Thursday, February 25, 2010

Networking Quiz

Packet Tracer Screenshot

Packet Tracer Screenshots

Activity 8 Summary

Today we learned about how basic networks are configured. We simulated this with Cisco Packet Tracer using two PCs,a switch, and a server. First, we set up all devices and then configured the IP addresses, subnet masks, and default gateway. Next, we connected the PCs through the switch and the switch to the server using copper straight through cables Lastly, we used the command prompt with "ipconfig" to check that the configurations were accurate and "ping" to check that the devices were connected.

Activity 7 Configurations

Activity 7 Summary

Today we learned about how network addresses work and are configured. First, we talked about the different IDs (network and Host) and also the three main address classes. Next, we saw how the address numbers would appear in binary and decimal. Lastly, we learned what ANDing is. By adding the subnet mask to an address, we can find out what the whole network ID is. We discovered this by using the graphing worksheet and binary numbering. After finishing this, I scanned the worksheet and posted in my blog.

Counting from 0 - A in binary

0 - 0000 0000
1 - 0000 0001
2 - 0000 0010
3 - 0000 0011
4 - 0000 0100
5 - 0000 0101
6 - 0000 0110
7 - 0000 0111
8 - 0000 1000
9 - 0000 1001
A - 0000 1010